Many creatives are super concerned with trust. This can work against us. Being confident and answering questions directly and honestly builds trust. Using “salesy” and subjective language doesn’t build trust.
To keep it simple, we make it simple. Making it simple for a customer is the complicated work that we do.
Instead of me saying I have done this thing and that thing and whatnot and whoozit. I try to tell customers exactly what they need to know in order to trust.
Trust the solution, not the provider
Of course if a sleazy fella’s trying to sell you a car, you’ll be suspicious. At the same time, if you trust that the car is awesome, you don’t care how sleazy the salesman is. Our job with selling our stuff and getting their trust is to trust something very specific. That makes it simpler for us and for the customer. Even if you think all the other cars in the lot are crap, if you believe the one car is going to change your life for the better and is well worth the price, you’re buying that thing.
That translates to us offering something specific. It’s not an all in one solution, it’s just perfect for our customer(s)
Use objective proof
People can believe us when we give them something objective. “I’m the best writer in the county” is different from “I just got the county blue ribbon in writing” … “my horse can do anything” is different from “my horse just performed at a venue just like yours.
Take action : get smaller
Think of some things you’re not good at. Things that your service doesn’t really do well. Just eliminate those from your offering. eg: people that are broke don’t really like what i do.