“You’ve got to be on all the social media if you want to run a business in 2021” is some more crazy advice. I keep running into people sweating that they’re not dominating all their possible social thingies.
It’s about like
There’s a reason I’m not killing it on Youtube, Tiktok, and Instagram. I don’t like them. It’s not that I’m against them or see any major flaw there. It’s that I don’t want to spend my time there. It’s not where my people are and I don’t like hanging out on those platforms.
When I talk to someone who’s having trouble keeping up, I ask them which one they enjoy. I enjoy facebook. That’s where I do lots of business. If something gets serious businesswise, I’ll move the conversation over to zoom / email / phone; but Facebook is where a lot of my connections start. I like sharing, commenting, messaging, and reacting on facebook.
It doesn’t have to be fun, but it’s not easy
Social media works when we’re social.
It takes lots of checking in and responding to people and building relationships. If it’s not fun, this is a lot of crunchy time for folks. That time might be better spent off-line faxing people. Seriously. If I liked faxing best, I might build a business around faxing. I don’t have a huge staff to do the crap work, so I need to be the one with the bandwidth to do the connecting and communicating.
The easy way
If we try to do social media the easy way, it just won’t land with our people. We won’t build fanbases without true connection and conversation, and our half-ass approach will be full-ass wasted.
The way it works is when it’s so ingrained in our lives that it actually affects our social circles. That’s what other people are doing on there, and that’s the real experience that people will connect and follow.